MsIn a recent marketing meeting we were asked to brainstorm for a departmental mission statement. It had to be short. Barely a sentence. We joked about corporate mission statement generators like these:

We were asked to warm up by creating our own personal mission statement. I don’t know if I was thinking about the mission of this blog or my smart-ass self when I came up with these:

  • Wandering backwards into goals (my ‘in retrospect’ mission statement)
  • Losing my mind (my Zen statement)
  • Helping stories happen

This last one feels like my mission here at Big Bang Poetry. The journey of writing is not only about the stories you tell but the story of the telling and your life in search of the telling. I want to help do all that.

My auto generated statements turned out to be:

"We professionally synthesize quality poetry in order to continue to enthusiastically foster bang-full blog deliverables while maintaining the highest standards."

And the ever purposeful:

"Our goal is to build infrastructures."